«Gabala fascinated us»
News / 21 December 2011 | 20:00589
«Gabala fascinated us»

The Futbol+ Newspaper published an interview on Thursday with former player of Barcelona Josep Moratalla, who was running 10-days training seminar in Gabala by 21 December. Now you can read here some thoughts that the present UEFA Pro class coach shared.


Mr. Moratalla, how did you come to collaborate with Gabala, who made invitation to you?

 Spanish coach Josep Moratalla:

It was initiative that was appeared by FC Gabala as the club’s president Tale Heydarov visited Barcelona in person. As a vice president of the European Former Football Players Association, I was preferred to be on the collaboration mission with Gabala.

We had a talk with Mr. Heydarov when he provided in-depth details about the club’s strategy and revealed his ambition for implementation of Barcelona’s football policy and tactics in Gabala. So, it was an offer that we were willing to accept before visiting Gabala.

Now we are here tutoring coaches of the Gabala youth and explaining the way Barcelonaplay.

All-important about this collaboration is that, Gabala’s staff, also administration, determined the target to be on better display with kind of tactics of my former squad.

I think our joint work will last as Gabala’s delegation is expected to visit Barcelonain early February 2012 to watch training scene of Barca players in different groups. And then we are expected to be back here again in May.

Gabala’s facilities fascinated us showing that how deeply the government is concerned in the progress of the domestic football.

See the full interview: The Futbol+ Newspaper, 22 December 2011