Ali Yavash: Towards big Targets
News / 14 December 2011 | 20:00375
Ali Yavash: Towards big Targets

Gabala Academy director Ali Yavash:

“Gabala are always ahead with new projects in the Azerbaijan football and now we are working on the new one that came up with the contract signed with world class Barcelona in the last November. We are convinced that this collaboration will give a big benefit to our club”.

Yavash said to – talking about the training-seminar holding by FC Barcelona’s Xavier Aguado Companys, Carlos Martorell and former player of the Spanish club Josep Moratalla – that, this is not the first step on enhancing our coach staff’s soccer skills.

Yavash adds:

“As you know, we have been in the UK in February this year and visited some English football clubs – Manchester United, Liverpool, Everton, Blackburn, Sheffield United – and took a look at their academies and fields. We also made exchange of views with English professionals about the team building policy.

 They differ from us with their approach to soccer, their policy on teens and youth.

 I think every element we observed there is beneficial for us as it is a very important moment to see differences between Azerbaijan’s teams and European clubs.

 After the England visitation, we watched some tournaments in Ukraine and Russia.Particularly, I’d like to talk about our recent trip to Saint Petersburg city where we met with Coaching Corps of FC Ajax’s Academy.

 We gave general information about our club to Ditches, who brought up too many world star players.

 In addition to all these, we have attended training-seminar held two days in Kushadasi of Turkey within the international tournament in April this year.

 We do our best to improve skills of our footballers, as well as coaches, on international standards visiting foreign countries”.

 Yavash also emphasizes on that, the club is at the beginning of planned projects, where it is determined our coach staff to have some short and long visitations in the next year to clubs of foreign states – Spain, Turkey and CIS members.

 “Recently, Ukraine’s FC Shakhtar were visitors of Gabala. Dutch director of Shakhtar Academy shared his thoughts with us participating at our seminar.

 At present, we are keeping up to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Ukrainian representative as Shakhtar surely is a significant club for us to work with, while we always are trying to product results on a professional level.

 All these are reflected in the Coach Development Program that I have already given to the Gabala administration”.

 The Turkish specialist highly estimates the training-seminar by FC Barcelona, which is expected to be very beneficial for Gabala   and he adds else:

 “I appreciate FC Gabala’s president Taleh Haydarov, also on behalf of the coaching staff, for these projects that provide progress of our coaches. And I see serious positive changes every year.

 I’m convinced that, they will go ahead with more experiences gaining from such training-seminars to be of the best coaches of Azerbaijan in a few years as Gabala possess all facilities for this”.