Azerbaijan President rewarding Gabala heroes
News / 3 September 2016 | 08:45223
Azerbaijan President rewarding Gabala heroes

Azerbaijan President, National Olympic Committee President Ilham Aliyev met with domestic challengers and their trainers attended 31st Summer Olympic Games held in Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil. The event was joined also by Mr. President”s wife and other family members.

The head of the state gave speech for the event participants.
Then the orders rewarding the Azerbaijan national Olympic team members were declared to the attendants.

Mr. President presented Honorary Diploma of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Prosperity Medal, Order of Glory, Order for Service to Motherland to the awarded sportsmen and their coaches for their all initiatives to strengthen the sports in Azerbaijan and their achievements at the 31st Summer Olympic Games.

SC Gabala”s some challengers attended the Rio 2016 also have been rewarded.

Lorenzo Collazo Sotomayor, who won a silver medal, has been rewarded with the 3rd class order for the Service to the Motherland.

Boxer Kamran Shahsuvarly, earning a bronze medal, has been rewarded with the order of Glory.

And two more Gabala heroes – Milad Beigi Harchegani gaining bronze and boxing trainer Anar Mammadov were amongst those rewarded with the Diploma of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

At the end, Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, national Olympic heroes and their trainers took photo for memory.