Grigorchuk- I can”t look at my players face
News / 9 April 2016 | 15:52149
Grigorchuk- I can”t look at my players face

Gabala”s head coach Roman Grigorchuk talks to media right after the 1:1 draw against Sumgayit in the 29th tour away of the Azerbaijan Premier League. The Ukrainian skipper says:

“Today we were close to the victory than the opponents. This was evident during some efforts in the half. I can”t look at my players” face as they have tears on their eyes. They can”t stand to the misunderstanding with the referee. I don”t know how to support my squad, but sure this is not the most important point of the draw.

We could see up to 10 games with the same situation. The case is common in football but the strange is when you see this in a systematic way with many matches.

Sure we should not blame only the referee on the result as the result also was affected by the condition of the team themselves.

I am not looking for any mistake from the young players. I just need to say Oleksiy Gai also was shocked by the things. The team’s feelings are really difficult and I am ready to take the all critical comments on me.

At times we involve some footballers from the reserve team in the trainings to check them out. Ehtiram Shahverdiyev seems better now after 3 to 4 tries. We were much close to introduce him to this match today. Sahil Mirzayev also is a progressing player.

It should not mean we have problem with Ruslan Abishov as he stayed out of the pitch as I respect him as a good footballer.

And we are having a good faith in Pavel Pashayev and put him to the lineup. We chose him after good tests and now he is ready to get in the pitch for every match”.