Khazar-Lankaran - Gabala 0-0
Match report / 10 November 2013 | 15:39525
Khazar-Lankaran - Gabala 0-0

Khazar Lankaran - Gabala 0:0

Date: 10 November 2013 / Time: 17:00 / Venue: Lankaran City Stadium / Attendance: 4000 
Head referee:  Vusal Aliyev
Referee assistants: Rza Mammadov, Namig Huseynov
4th official: Ramiz Maharramov
AFFA member: Ramiz Abdullayev
Referee inspector: Shahin Jafarov
Yellow cards:  Nikola Valentic, 23 (unsporting behavior); Luis Paulo Hilario, 36 (unsporting behavior); Nizami Hajiyev, 90 (unsporting behavior)
Extra time: I Part - 1 min.; II Part - 3 min.

Gabala finished the 13th tour match of the Premier League in 0:0 against Khazarl Lankaran. After the 2-day raining, the Lankaran City Stadium was really hard to play on. It was mostly the show of off-target attacks as to the water seeps and turf condition. The sides looked loosing the ball for much. 

The most dangerous threat in the first half came up from the red-black squad with Yannick Kamanan making long range shot denied by the post. In the closing stage of the period, Gabala were able to slot the opponent net before the linesman"s controversial off-side order. The second remarkable moment of the period could be considered with injured Niasse being substituted by Dejan Kelhar.

The second half also was not different from the previous time at the game quality. Although the sides were pushing hard, they were unable to open the scoring. Gabala went down to 10 with the 10 minutes left when Urfan Abbasov was unable to go on after his injury. And the team had now substitution chance after they used it all.


Khazar Lankaran lineup:

33. Duglas Leita
4. Alvaro Silva 
7. Sadio Tounkara 
(22. David Sakkoni, min.20)
(11. Zohair Benouahi, min.72)
10. Elnur Abdullayev 
(9. Ughur Pamuk, min.84)
12. Junior Nildo
14. Rahid Amirguliyev (c)
18. Tural Jalilov
20. Etame Mbilla 
21. Radomir Todorov
27. Adrian Skarlatake
55. Aghabala Ramazanov


1. Orkhan Sadygly
8. Edu Oriol 
17. Kazym Kazymly
23. Nikola Gligorov

Head coach: Con Tosak

Gabala lineup:

27. David Pietrzkevic
3. Nikola Valentic
5. Sadig Guliyev
6. Volodimir Levin (c)
8. Nizami Hajiyev 
10. Luis Hillario 
11. Yannick Kamanan 
18. Ibrahima Niasse 
(84. Dejan Kelhar, min.37)
31. Daniel Subotic
(9. Victor Mendi, min.68)
34. Urfan Abbasov 
42. Leonardo da Silva 
(14. Lorenzo Ebecilio, min.55)

25. Diego Costa
4. Amid Guluzadeh
22. Assis Rodrigues
33. Elvin Jamalov
Head coach: Yuri Semin