Target is to adjust player to right nutrition
News / 29 January 2012 | 20:00622
Target is to adjust player to right nutrition

Performances of footballers depend mostly on their daily life out of the field thinking about their physical readiness and coaching actions. It appears crucial evidence as we think about daily nutrition regime of professional footballers or clubs.

Taking into consideration its importance, Gabala have recently involved Aysel Pehlivan to the Antalya winter training camp of Gabala, who is a professor of Marmara University of Turkey and specialized on proper nutrition of sportsmen. She also is the first one implementing this kind of care in sport of Turkey starting with FC Beshiktash for seven years.

During her two-day visit, Aysel met with every footballer in person to hear about their problems on nutrition and weight before giving some proper tips to both players and coaches.

Ms. Pehlivan concluded her visit by the seminar where she suggested some advices on important food allowance for the club and answered several questions on the topic.

After the seminar, Aysel revealed some details to as to the right nutrition for players:

- My last two days in your camp were really of interest and the aim of my visit was to review the mode of nutrition of Gabala and to explain some ways of diet problems. I checked up weights of all players and gave my tips to some of them overweighted or underweighted. I also was able to see nutrition regime of Gabala and food menu and shared my thoughts on adding more proper eatings.   

We are determined to keep this check-up operation at any interval to see results and proceed it into the next level of nutrition regime improvement, so the target is to adjust the players to the right diet. 

- What kind of daily foods are they that make for overweight or other challenges to footballers?

- Sugar is the number one motivating to be fattened. Eating much sugar definitely affects on weights of players. It is better to respond to sugar need of a body by eating fresh foods like fruits. Another reason are alcohol drinks. 

Footballers mistakenly think that bread also helps to fattening. So, it is not the case and bread is very necessary, but surely players should eat not white, but diet bran bread.