AFFA Youth League Results:
Gabala 3:2 Sabail
Gabala points: 69 after 26 matches
Sitting: champions
Khazar Lankaran 0:11 Gabala
Gabala points: 43 after 20 matches
Sitting: 3rd
U14 / Round of 8
Gabala won over Sabail with 3:0 in both ties. The red-black team are going to face Bina in the semifinal.
U12 / Round of 8
Gabala won on Leon with 3:0 and 0:0. The next opponent side is Neftchi.
U11 / Round of 8
Gabala lost to Leon with 2:4 and 0:2 leaving the contest.
U10 / Round of 8
Gabala left the contest after facing Sabah with 3:2 and 1:2.