Zepp Piontek talks about Gabala U-14
News / 21 April 2012 | 07:58316
Zepp Piontek talks about Gabala U-14

“You have got team of very technical one. They seem at their brightness. You have succeeded to establish a disciplined squad. In this vain, the Gabala youth may evolve into a European level team in a few years”. These words belong to Sepp Piontek, who is an outstanding German coach, 11-year skipper for Denmark provisional currying them up to the World Cup final for first, having an indispensable role in progress of Turkish football, also heading the national team of the fraternal country in 1990-93.

He made exchange of views with coaching staff of Gabala attending the 3rd International Kusadası Cup tournament in Turkey with U-14. Piontek gave some valuable advices to the Gabala coaches during performance of our young players before taking a collective photo for memory.